Maybe you think that for your kitten to be happy it must spend time away from home. This idea, although widespread, is nothing more than a myth. Although it is true that cats are born explorers, it is totally possible to cover, inside your home, your furry friend’s desire for adventure and fun. All you have to do is play with it for at least half an hour a day. How to play with a kitten
Kittens that grow in closed apartments and receive the necessary care and stimulation have high levels of happiness. In addition, it has been proven that they live for many more years compared to cats that are not fortunate enough to have the environment conducive to their development. If you are preparing to prepare your apartment for your kitten, you must have in mind how to best emulate its natural behaviors, such as hunting, hiking, and climbing.
But do not worry, there are many options of toys, especially designed for kittens, that you can make the most of during the quality time you spend with your pet. Cats are athletic, agile and strong creatures; toys help you release energy, stimulate your senses and create bonds of friendship with each other.
How to play with a kitten
Of course, small cats are like babies and will get bored of their toys after a few weeks of use. Buying new toys every month can be difficult for today’s young adult economy, so a good option is to make them yourself with materials that you can find at home. These are some of the household objects that serve as toys for kittens: ping-pong balls, cardboard tubes, socks and balls of yarn. Remember that kittens have a great imagination. A box or plastic bag will keep them busy just like the most expensive toy in the pet store.
I recommend avoiding the use of laser beams or appliance cables. Chasing an object that is not capable of catching can be very frustrating for your pet, as he is putting all his hunting skills into practice, only to fail when he gets the prey. As a general rule, never stimulate your kitten with an important object that you cannot lend him.
Personally, I like to catnip my kittens. They love it. Catnip is a plant in the mint family, also known in some Latin American countries as a catnip. When it dries, it produces an irresistible odor for cats, which stimulates them thanks to the chemical compounds it releases. I highly recommend the use of this plant, as it is neither harmful nor addictive; On the contrary: fill your pet with the vitality necessary for a long session of games, and at the end, after about 10 or 15 minutes of the effect, you and your kitten will be so tired that they can only think of taking a comforting nap together