3. A budget must be devoted to it , adopting a dog quotes
A dog will need a specific diet, provisions and toys so as not to get bored alone and externalize its energy. You need to take into account, also, regular visits to the veterinarian, diseases and unforeseen accidents. This represents several hundred or even thousands of euros (depending on the size of the dog) per year. This often unsized factor is often the main cul of abandonment. Some adopters welcome a dog without considering the financial aspect and find themselves unable to ensure the maintenance of the dog. The dogs therefore find themselves trapped in a situation that they have not chosen, the fault of an unthinking decision from the outset.
4. Your dog’s socialization should be given importance
You must accustom your dog to see congeners, but also humans and other species so that he maintains his calm at each encounter. These meetings must be frequent and of high quality. This point is very important for the social development of the dog since it is what will define its ability to accept others (children, strangers and animals) to ensure good living together. So avoid encounters with aggressive or too shy dogs, it would not be constructive.
5. You have to pay attention to your food
Before buying food, ask the veterinarian to choose the products adapted to his specificities: size, state of health, age … Feeding the dog is the main item of expenditure of dog owners. It is a complex universe where the offer has become enormous. It is not always easy to find your way around, but it is advisable to give preference to premium feeding to avoid many health problems for your dog. Also take care to respect its needs according to its age, morphology and characteristics.
6. You have to find a reliable veterinarian adopting a dog vs buying
Your dog’s relationship with his vet is almost as important as the one you have with your doctor. Like the latter, it will follow your dog throughout his life. A relationship of trust must therefore be established between them. Other very important criteria will have to be taken into account when choosing your veterinarian. Among them: the proximity to your home, the opening hours and the rates applied will help you to make the right choice.